Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No Turkeys

"You don't celebrate Thanksgiving. You're Jewish!"

1 comment:

  1. Here is my favorite interaction with a student from last semester:

    student: I don't know why they call it World War II, I mean, it's not like there was fighting all over the world.

    me: uhhhh...yeah, there was fighting all over the world.

    student: yeah, I mean, but not like in Africa or something.

    me: perhaps you would like to ask the people in northern Africa about that one.

    rest of class: snickering and rolling of eyes

    me: maybe you should read up a bit more on WWII

    student: yeah, but there wasn't fighting in like Russia...

    me: (walking closer to student and whispering to him): perhaps you should quit now...

    and I teach COLLEGE!!!

